Test Results

The Basics

Test Results are accessed using the /results resource. You need to specify the Suite Id and optionally the Script Id for the results you need.

Working with Test Results

Results from a Test Suite can be requested by Suite Id or by Suite Id/Script Id - the latter is helpful if there are a lot of scripts in the suite, and therefore potentially a lot of results.

Here's an example of a request for Test Results from a suite:


The success response can be quite large!

{ "status": "success", "data": { "results": { "testsuite": { "testsuite": { "id": "23C9F0D7105E4433B53CD0FD620DD1EF", "_links": { "self": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/nodes/23C9F0D7105E4433B53CD0FD620DD1EF" } } } }, "testscripts": [ { "testscript": { "id": "12E7B0A957B1425D903EFB9C3F9477CD", "number": 21, "teststatus": "Complete/Failures", "_links": { "self": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/nodes/12E7B0A957B1425D903EFB9C3F9477CD" }, "results": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/results/23C9F0D7105E4433B53CD0FD620DD1EF/12E7B0A957B1425D903EFB9C3F9477CD" } } }, "testresults": [ { "testresult": { "stepid": "407D21EEBF354B6F8492F60E2CFF8423", "steptype": 18, "teststatus": "Not Tested", "teststatusid": "EE95D6325B7511D1978D0000C0D9D069", "expectedresults": null, "actualresults": null, "notes": null } }, { "testresult": { "stepid": "880852F5BC4342CA862FA2F13C8BDEFD", "steptype": 18, "teststatus": "Not Tested", "teststatusid": "EE95D6325B7511D1978D0000C0D9D069", "expectedresults": null, "actualresults": null, "notes": null } }, { "testresult": { "stepid": "068077E781F94154A80C30A2ED29B30F", "steptype": 18, "teststatus": "Not Tested", "teststatusid": "EE95D6325B7511D1978D0000C0D9D069", "expectedresults": null, "actualresults": null, "notes": null } }, ../..

The response contains a testsuite object, which will contain an array of one or more testscript objects, each of which will contain an array of one or more testresult objects. Each testresult corresponds to a test step, test condition or automated test step in the script.

In the above example, if there had been several (or worse, many) scripts in the suite, the response would be quite large; in these circumstances if you need the results of a particular script, then you can further limit the request by script id:
